Title: Stories from the First Gaming War: Maxime

Controls: WASD for movement, mouse to aim, left click to fire

As Maxime Genest, a private in the Xboxian Army, you will be taking part in the Del Rio Offensive in the First Gaming War of 1914-1918. You will soon be questioning loyalties as you explore the fragility of duty and patriotism.

The Del Rio Offensive (February 12th, 1917 to April 14th, 1917) was an operation named after General Del Rio of the Xboxian Military with the goal of pushing the Valven military out of Xboxian territories. However, poor planning and strong Valven resistance led to enormous casualties for both the Xboxian and Valven armies with over 600,000 Xboxian losses and 450,000 Valven losses. This devastating defeat would lead to the Xboxian mutinies of 1917.

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